Bolt Action: Tank War Demo

Saturday, September 27th 12:00pm-4:00pm Free:  All materials provided! Come learn Bolt Action here at Maplewood Hobby And check out our newly-expanded stocklist of everything Bolt Action! If you prefer:  Feel free to bring your Bolt Action Armies Lets roll some dice and blow things up! More info on Bolt Action Here:       […]

Warmachine Tourney

 Running the Gauntlet! Saturday August 23rd 10:00am Registration, 11:00 Game Time. Softcore Format; 1 List, 50pts, Models don’t have to be fully painted to participate. $10.00 Entry Fee. Following awards will be given out: 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall Executioner Master Craftsman Mage Hunter Vanquisher Best Painted Army Best Painted Single Mini As always, Coins […]

M15 Pre-Release

Pre-Release & Maplewood Hobby 5 Slots $25 Tickets Friday at Midnight Saturday 4/12 @1pm and 6pm Sunday 4/13 @1pm and 6pm          

Bizarre Bazaar

 Bizarre Bazaar Holiday Edition 2013   This year we are auctioning off more lots than ever! If you are new to Bizzare Bazaar here is how it works: People may enter lots for sale and set both minimum and “buy it now” prices for their items. We place all the merchandise in the middle of […]

December 40K Tourney

    Saturday, December 21rst 2000 points $10 Entry Fee 10AM Start time 3 rounds 1st place:  $100 in GW Store Credit 2nd place $40 in GW Store Credit 3rd pace $20 in GW Store Credit Best Painted Single Model $25 Scenerios will be selected from the main Warhammer 40K Rulebook      


Bring a Tank! Tanks-Giving arrives Friday, November 29th 7Pm Prizes! Free!! Bring a 40K Tank and Get Ready to RUMBLE!!