Saturday 12/28
9 AM
The Battle of Binh Gia 1964
Length: 3 Hours
Players: 4
FLAMES OF WAR Tour of Duty
The National Liberation Front (Viet Cong) launch series of attacks against strategic hamlets in South Vietnam. The VC 272nd Regiment was ordered to block inter-provincial road no.2 and 15 and destroy South Vietnamese units attempting to reach Binh Gia. Elements of the ARVN 30th and 33rd Ranger Battalion with support from the US 118th Aviation Company set out to face an enemy of unknown size.The Battle was fought from Dec 28th to Jan 1st 1964-65 just under 50 years ago. This was prior to American Escalation in the summer of 1965.
10 AM
Length: 3 Hours
Players: 9
25mm late Romans, Huns, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, franks, and more
Scenario- The battle that stopped and almost ended Atilla life. This is a mega game with over 400 figures on a side. Wait when the the sun sets and the real crazy games starts.
1 PM
Green vs. Tan – BATTLE OF GAK ……..for Kids (or the young at Heart)
Length: 2 Hours
Players: 6
Table Size: 8 x 6
Scenario- 54 mm Army Men with tanks and Jeeps and Everything!
Ages 6 and up!
1 PM
Battle of Marengo 1800
Length: 4 hours
Players: 6
GM: Dan C
Table Size: 6 x 8/10
Age of Eagles Marengo Scenario French vs Austrians.
3 PM (Right after Mark’s Battle of GAK)
“Ladies and Gentlemen…I give you KONG”
Kid Friendly
Length: 2 hours (Two games)
Players: 5
System: Wings of Glory
GM: Cliff
Table Size: 4 x 4….can use 4 x 6
As Fighter Command orders your Long Island squadron to
New York City with a rendezvous point of the Empire State
Building, you wonder what is going on? When you check with
Flight Control about your target, they respond with “You will
know it when you see it”
Trouble Outside Assadabad.
Length: 3+ hours
Players: 6 ?
System: Force on Force
Table Size: 6 x 4
Modern Afghanistan (US Marines vs. Taliban) in 28mm.
CANCELLED Napoleonic Battle of LaRotiere 1814
Length: 3 1/2 hours
Players: 8
System: SHAKO II
GM: Sal
Table Size: 12 x 6
SUNDAY 12/29
12 PM –
The Battle of Cape Baledero –
Length: 3-4 hours
Players: 5-6 but can probably add more if interest is there
System: BattleFleet by Terry Manton (small production)
GM: Bruce Duty
Table size: biggish – 6′ x 8′ available?
The Battle of Cape Baledero Description:
This will be a hypothetical naval engagement in the Spanish-American War of 1901
Starting the war later allows the addition of some interesting Spanish and American ships, as well as some German ones
“loaned” to the Spanish navy in return for a naval base in Puerto Rico. This may be the basis for a future campaign game if there is interest.