40 Hours of 40K 2016 Edition

Saturday June 18th-Sunday June 19th There will be an Auction from 5-7 pm on Saturday the 27th, the famous “Bizarre-Bazaar” If you would like to sell something for store credit on the item sold, make sure you bring it early to be registered.  You can and are indeed encouraged to bring it several days before […]

40K Escalation League

40K Fall Season Escalation League July 31st –> October 30th FREE!!!! Army Composition: Each of the League Battleforged Lists ONLY You are responsible for keeping ONE model consistent the entire league. This model is your warlord. He/She/It MUST be named! Battles: Additional Scoring All HQ Painted ‘+1 All Troops Painted ‘+1 All Elites Painted ‘+1 […]

40 Hours of 40K 2015 Edition

Saturday June 27th-Sunday June 28th There will be an Auction from 5-7 pm on Saturday the 27th, the famous “Bizarre-Bazaar” If you would like to sell something for store credit on the item sold, make sure you bring it early to be registered.  You can and are indeed encouraged to bring it several days before […]

Wrath of Kings Tourney

      11:00AM Registration 12:00PM Start Time Skirmish Level 3 rounds min Single List Each Motivation can be used once Prizes First Place TBD (min $50) Second Place Third Place Best Painted

Firestorm Armada Tourney

    What: Firestorm Armada Tournament When: Saturday, May 23rd 10:00 am Where: Maplewood Hobby, NJ 1970 Springfield Ave, Maplewood, NJ 07040 Price: $10 OVERVIEW: The one-day event will consist of three 2.5 hour long rounds. Each player will have the option of bringing up to two lists and may choose which list to use […]

Bizarre Bazaar: Winter Edition

Saturday, January 31st Starts promptly at 1pm   If you are new to Bizarre Bazaar here is how it works: People may enter lots for sale and set both minimum and “buy it now” prices for their items. We place all the merchandise in the middle of the store for auctioning and one by one […]