Bizarre Bazaar

Holiday Edition 2013


This year we are auctioning off more lots than ever!

If you are new to Bizzare Bazaar here is how it works:

People may enter lots for sale and set both minimum and “buy it now” prices for their items.

We place all the merchandise in the middle of the store for auctioning and one by one we auction them off

People who sold their lots are given store credit for the amont we get for their items that can be used immediately or saved for another day!

On top of this the store will be selling some awesome items including a brand-new in the box Space Marine Starter army for starting bid $1!!

Starts promptly at 1pm Sunday, December 22nd

Please note that you may bring lots to sell ahead of time and you do NOT need to be here for the auction of these lots. We will inform you of the credit you have and you can use it at a later date.

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