Join us for another massive Warmachine and Hordes tourney here at Maplewood!
Satuday, March 8th
10:00am Registration, 10:30 Game Time.
-Up to 2 Lists, 50pts. Divide and Conquer (1), Character Restrictions, No Reinforcements, No Specialists.
-$10.00 Entry Fee, Players that prepay by person or paypal get priority in slots available. League players that paid the entry fee for the league will not pay for this event. Players that are not in the league will pay the $10.00 entry fee.
-Death Clock (TIME ON DEPLOYMENT), Primary Tiebreaker is SOS, followed by CP, then AP Points Destroyed.
Prizes for the following:
-1st, 2nd and 3rd Place
Craftsman (Best Painted Army)
Best Painted Mini
Executioner Award (Most AP Points)
Iron Man (Highest Point earner with a single turned in list)
Mage Hunter (Most Efficient Caster Kill)
Gunny’s Award (Most Control Points)
Smoking Boots
-15% off all Privateer Press products for tournament players only.
-The numbers of rounds will be determined by players.
-The 1st place winner will also receive a weekend pass to the East Coast Rumble